Canadian Trucker Convoy 2022

A short, good summary of what is happening, and how it is being spun by our Prime Minister (and the mainstream media too)

The media is saying that people are destroying property and causing problems. And of course in a gathering of thousands of people there are bound to be a few idiots, and one such idiot did deface a Terry Fox statue, which of course got heavy coverage on the news. Here is footage of a police officer in downtown Ottawa saying how things really are, and footage of the actual protestors cleaning up the Terry Fox statue.

Here’s a few videos of the small, fringe minority

The government and media have been trying to tie this peaceful, loving movement to hate groups – far right extremists, white supremacists, etc.. Here’s videos of some of the ‘White Supremacists’….

A final reel with music and good footage from Ottawa many places around the country en route to Ottawa