I live and work in the lower mainland of  BC, Canada with my lovely wife Irene Lyon, who’s work you should also check out. 

I received my BA in music composition and percussion from Eastern Washington University in 1996. I had been considering a career in film composition but then, after a profound awakening experience during a ten-day meditation retreat, I lost all interest in the mainstream world and it’s pursuits.

Instead, I opted to spend the next 15 years in remote areas of the United States living apart from the mainstream to better study the mind/body world the old-fashioned way, through self-immersion.

Living close to nature for almost all of that time, in Hawaii and Oregon, I explored various forms of meditation, shamanism, sound therapy, breath work, Taoist practices, and energy work.

Through my own healing journey I developed an experiential understanding of the profound inter-relationship between thought, emotion and sensation; and how unresolved trauma can lead to blocked-up life force and illness in the mind, body and soul; and also how to access and process this material through awareness and expression.

I have refined my ability to work with these dynamics by completing a 3-year training in Somatic Experiencing™ (SE) , the ground-breaking work of Dr. Peter Levine, a powerful form of psychobiological trauma treatment that helps you to restore vitality, capacity and health to your mind, body and soul through the re-negotiation of traumatic experiences at the level of the nervous system. I have also completed the Touch Skills training with Kathy Kain, who’s work is especially potent for resolving early/developmental trauma.

In my private practice, I use all the tools and experiential knowledge that I’ve accumulated from over 20 years of devoted self-inquiry, combined with the solid science of nervous system-based trauma resolution.

I help my clients to re-engage with their innate wisdom and resources, as both members of the animal kingdom and as spiritual beings in a human body.

I am deeply committed to the process of helping people to recover from trauma, so they may re-discover all of who they are and all of who they can be.